"Microeconomics deals with the individual units in the economy, usually the individual or the family and the firm, as it focuses on consumer behaviour and how the family distributes its income by spending on various goods and services. Microeconomics is also concerned with determining the level of production that enables the firm to maximise its profits.
On the contrary, we find that macroeconomics deals with the study of economic issues of large size. It deals with the national economy as a group, ignoring individual units and many of the problems they face. By focusing on the national economy as a whole, macroeconomics is concerned with the overall output of the economy and the general level of prices, not the output and the price level in Each entity is separately concerned with the financial and monetary policies of the state and looks at economic reform as an expression of the policies that work to make domestic expenditures in harmony with the available resources, by creating a combination of financial, monetary and trade policies and the exchange rate to ensure the existence of an aggregate domestic demand that is in line with the supply structure. By adopting measures that stimulate the sectors of goods and services, as well as adopting microeconomic policies aimed at improving efficiency in the use of resources by removing price distortions, enhancing competition and easing administrative control, accordingly, the internal and external financial balance is restored, and inflationary pressures are reduced and their negative effects are mitigated, including It leads to an improvement in the balance of payments position and the restoration of creditworthiness, which requires Specific measures to ensure sustainable growth and reduce unemployment, as well as stabilisation policies and reforms aimed at improving resource allocation and raising their efficiency in the medium and long term.